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地处纽约中心的佩斯大学给你不一样的大学生活 - 蓝留学
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2017-11-01 08:58:35 来源:Blue 责任编辑:蓝留学-美国留学KATE 点击:


BridgeBlue China蓝留学小编告诉你 美国佩斯大学 满足你所有的需求
Pace University New York City campus is located in the heart of downtown Manhattan near the Brooklyn Bridge, bustling Wall Street and the lovely Freedom Tower. This is our home base for studying, living and working in the most dynamic city in the U.S.
With the subway station right at your front door the entire city is at your fingertips. Whether be going to see a Broadway show with friends, participating in intramural sports or just walking in the busy streets of New York this campus offers endless opportunities for students.
The Lubin School of Business GPACT room stands for the global portfolio analysis centre. This wall street ticker is only ten minutes off of wall street where the one in times square is around 15 minutes off. We also have Bloomberg technology computers you could look up anything on from there computers from Zagat rated restaurants to financial analytics. The best part is whether you want to open your own bakery like I do or run a multinational firm Pace will help you get there.
The entrepreneurship lab offers students the resources to create innovative start-ups like ours. I run a software company that developing a point of sale system for small business and I run a start-up which is tailored towards hedge funds. We provide news and analysis services. Entrepreneurship lab provides us the opportunity to grow our ideas. It also provides us the opportunity to present our ideas to future investors.
Fourty-one Park Row is located directly across one pace plaza and full of helpful resources. Also located here is career services offering the largest internship placement programme in the new York city metro area. This is where I came to meet with an expert, to go over my resume and brush up on some interview skills before meeting with a potential employer.
Here at our pace downtown campus there are many resident hall options for students to come and live in the greatest city in the world. Just a quick five-minute walk from the main campus building we have 182 broadway which is one of our newer residence halls. A few benefits of living here are private bathrooms private fitness centre and a community lounge where student can come together watch TV or play foosball. All of our residence hall consists of a 24/7 security. A cable of TV provided in each room, WIFI, kitchen and free laundry facilities. Living at pace just got easier now we have smarter lockers which students can just run downstairs grab their textbooks and pocket. Now coming back to the main campus building we have maria’s tower which is an all exclusive freshman residence hall. It is just a quick elevator ride down to your classes, the library and the cafeteria. There are just so many exciting options for students to come and live at Pace University. As a upperclassmen you will either reside in 55 john street or 33 beekman street. Fun fack is 33 beekman street is the tallest residence hall in the New York City.


蓝留学Bridge Blue 总部位于澳大利亚,致力于澳大利亚、新西兰、英国、美国和加拿大的出国留学。自2004年成立以来,一直秉承为学生量身定制专属的留学方案,提供最新的留学资讯,留学指导,签证办理,全程为学生安排一位专属顾问和一个申请团队,助学生成功实现留学的梦想。

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    零中介 一站式服务

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    专业化 全球品牌

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    互联网 实时互动

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    境外服务 会员专属



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BBG 蓝留学秉承以创新的互联网为服务平台,学生们不受地域和时间的限制,通过BBG蓝留学的网站可以进行免费自我评估、在线咨询、申请进程跟踪、会员专属等系列服务。除此之外,学生还可以通过Email、QQ、MSN、Skype、新浪微博和微信与我们的专业顾问进行实时互动,足不出户即可享受到从留学申请到签证申请的一站式免费高品质服务。
BBG蓝留学总部 设在澳大利亚第一城市,悉尼。
