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盘点那些纽约州最好的大学都是哪些 - 蓝留学
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【导读】盘点那些纽约州最好的大学都是哪些纽约州概况  面积:128,401平方公里;在五十州内,列第三十位   人口:17,924,000人  州府:奥尔巴尼Alb
2017-08-23 11:00:24 来源:Blue 责任编辑:蓝留学-美国留学Susan 点击:
  纽约州立大学(State University of New York,简称SUNY)体系下包涵了七十多所学 校,其中包括了位於亚柏尼、宾罕顿(Binghamton)、水牛城、以及石溪市(Stony Br ook)的州立大学。
  纽约州大约有两百二十所私立的大学院校,下面由蓝留学的美国资深顾问老师来介绍,其中位於纽约市的学校有:哥伦比亚大学( Columbia University)、柏纳德学院(Barnard College)、佛罕大学(Fordham Univ ersity)、茱利亚音乐学院(Juilliard School of Music)、曼哈顿学院(Manhattan College)、纽约大学(New York University)、佩斯大学(Pace University)、普 列特学院(Pratt College)、圣约翰大学(St. John’s University)、以及莎拉·罗 伦斯学院(Sara Lawrence College)。其他私立的学校还有:位於汉米尔顿(Hamilto n)的科尔杰大学(Colgate University)、位於以瑟佳(Ithaca)的康奈尔大学(Cor nell University)、位於特洛伊(Troy)的伦瑟雷尔技术学院(Rensselaer Polytech nic Institute)、位於洛彻斯特的洛彻斯特大学(Rochester University)、位於赛瑞 托加泉市(Saratoga Springs)的史基德摩尔学院(Skidmore College)、位於雪城的 雪城大学(Syracuse University)、以及位於帕基普希(Poughkeepsie)的弗沙学院( Vassar College)。此外,纽约州还有四十所左右的两年制学院及社区学院。美国陆军 学院(the United States Military Academic)位於西点市(West Point),而美国海 岸防卫队学院(United States Coast Guard Academy)则是位於国王点市(Kings Poi nt)。
  艾德菲大学 Adelphi University
  艾尔佛雷德大学 Alfred University
  安默斯特学院 Amherst College
  纽约州立大学宾汉姆顿大学 Binghamton University SUNY
  克拉克森大学 Clarkson University
  科尔盖特大学 Colgate University
  哥伦比亚大学纽约哥伦比亚学院 Columbia University in the City of New York Columbia College
  哥伦比亚大学 Columbia University,The School of General Studies
  纽约康考迪亚学院 Concordia College New York
  康奈尔大学 Cornell University
  菲尔莱狄更斯大学 Fairleigh Dickinson University
  福特汉姆大学 Fordham University
  霍夫斯特拉大学 Hofstra University
  爱纳大学 Iona College
  曼哈顿大学 Manhattan College
  曼哈顿维尔学院 Manhattanville College
  新学院大学 New School University
  纽约理工学院 New York Institute of Technology
  纽约大学 New York University
  佩斯大学 Pace University
  伦斯勒理工学院 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
  罗彻斯特理工学院 Rochester Institute of Technology
  圣约翰大学 St.John's University
  纽约州立大学奥尔巴尼分校 State University of New York at Albany
  纽约州立大学杰纳苏分校 State University of New York at Geneseo
  纽约州立大学新帕尔兹分校 State University of New York at New Paltz
  纽约州立大学时装技术学院 State University of New York Fashion Institute of Technology
  纽约州立大学弗雷多尼尔分校 State University of New York-Fredonia
  纽约州立大学奥斯威戈分校 State University of New York-Oswego
  纽约州立大学普拉茨堡分校 State University of New York-Plattsburgh
  纽约州立大学石溪分校 Stony Brook University SUNY
  美国纽约州立大学环境科学与林业科学学院 SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry
  雪城大学 Syracuse University
  纽约州立大学波茨坦分校 The State University of New York Potsdam
  纽约州立大学水牛城分校 University at Buffalo State University of New York
  罗切斯特大学 University of Rochester
  叶史瓦大学 Yeshiva University
  ASA Institute of Business and Computer TechnologyAdelphi University
  Adirondack Community CollegeAlbany College of Pharmacy
  American Academy McAllister Institute of Funeral Service
  American Academy of Dramatic ArtsArt Institute of New York City
  Bard CollegeBarnard College
  Beis Medrash Heichal DovidBerkeley College of New York City
  Beth Hamedrash Shaarei Yosher InstituteBeth Hatalmud Rabbinical College
  Boricua CollegeBramson ORT College
  Briarcliffe CollegeBroome Community College
  Bryant & Stratton Business Institute: BuffaloBryant & Stratton Business Institute: Lackawanna
  Bryant & Stratton Business Institute: SyracuseBryant & Stratton Business Institute: Williamsville
  Bryant & Stratton College: AlbanyBryant & Stratton College: Buffalo
  Bryant & Stratton College: HenriettaBryant & Stratton College: Lackawanna
  Bryant & Stratton College: RochesterBryant & Stratton College: Syracuse
  Bryant & Stratton College: Syracuse NorthBryant & Stratton College: Williamsville
  Business Informatics CenterCanisius College
  Cayuga County Community CollegeCazenovia College
  Central Yeshiva Tomchei Tmimim-LubavitchCity University of New York: Baruch College
  City University of New York: Borough of Manhattan Community CollegeCity University of New York: Bronx Community College
  City University of New York: Brooklyn CollegeCity University of New York: City College
  City University of New York: College of Staten IslandCity University of New York: Hostos Community College
  City University of New York: Hunter CollegeCity University of New York: John Jay College of Criminal Justice
  City University of New York: Kingsborough Community CollegeCity University of New York: La Guardia Community College
  City University of New York: Lehman CollegeCity University of New York: Medgar Evers College
  City University of New York: New York City College of TechnologyCity University of New York: Queens College
  City University of New York: Queensborough Community CollegeCity University of New York: York College
  Cochran School of Nursing-St. John's Riverside HospitalCollege of Mount St. Vincent
  College of New RochelleCollege of New Rochelle: School of New Resources
  College of Saint RoseCollege of Westchester
  Columbia University: Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied ScienceColumbia University: School of Nursing
  Columbia-Greene Community CollegeCooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art
  Corning Community College
  Culinary Institute of AmericaD'Youville College
  Daemen CollegeDarkei Noam Rabbinical College
  Davis CollegeDavis College
  DeVry Institute of Technology: New YorkDominican College of Blauvelt
  Dowling CollegeDutchess Community College
  Eastman School of Music of the University of RochesterElmira Business Institute
  Elmira Business Institute: VestalElmira College
  Erie Community College: City CampusErie Community College: North Campus
  Erie Community College: South CampusEugene Lang College The New School for Liberal Arts
  Eugene Lang College/New School UniversityExcelsior College
  Fashion Institute of TechnologyFinger Lakes Community College
  Five Towns College
  Fulton-Montgomery Community CollegeGenesee Community College
  Globe Institute of TechnologyHartwick College
  Helene Fuld College of NursingHerkimer County Community College
  Hilbert CollegeHobart and William Smith Colleges
  Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary
  Houghton CollegeHudson Valley Community College
  ITT Technical Institute: AlbanyITT Technical Institute: Getzville
  ITT Technical Institute: LiverpoolInstitute of Design and Construction
  Interboro Institute
  Island Drafting and Technical InstituteIthaca College
  Jamestown Business CollegeJamestown Community College
  Jefferson Community CollegeJefferson Community College
  Jewish Theological Seminary of AmericaJuilliard School
  Katharine Gibbs School: MelvilleKatharine Gibbs School: New York
  Kehilath Yakov Rabbinical SeminaryKeuka College
  King's CollegeLaboratory Institute of Merchandising
  Le Moyne CollegeLong Island Business Institute
  Long Island Business Institute: FlushingLong Island College Hospital School of Nursing
  Long Island University: Brooklyn CampusLong Island University: C. W. Post Campus
  Machzikei Hadath Rabbinical CollegeManhattan School of Music
  Mannes College The New School for MusicMannes College of Music
  Maria CollegeMarist College
  Marymount College of Fordham UniversityMarymount Manhattan College
  Medaille CollegeMedaille College: Amherst
  Medaille College: RochesterMercy College
  Mesivta Torah Vodaath SeminaryMetropolitan College of New York
  Mildred ElleyMirrer Yeshiva Central Institute
  Mohawk Valley Community CollegeMolloy College
  Monroe CollegeMonroe Community College
  Mount St. Mary CollegeNassau Community College
  Nazareth College of RochesterNew York Career Institute
  New York Institute of TechnologyNew York School of Interior Design
  Niagara County Community College
  Niagara UniversityNorth Country Community College
  Nyack CollegeOhr Somayach Tanenbaum Education Center
  Olean Business InstituteOnondaga Community College
  Orange County Community CollegePace University
  Pace University: Pleasantville/BriarcliffParsons School of Design
  Parsons The New School for DesignPaul Smith's College
  Phillips Beth Israel School of NursingPlaza College
  Polytechnic UniversityPratt Institute
  Rabbinical Academy Mesivta Rabbi Chaim BerlinRabbinical College Beth Shraga
  Rabbinical College Bobover Yeshiva B'nei ZionRabbinical College Ch'san Sofer of New York
  Rabbinical College of Long IslandRabbinical College of Ohr Shimon Yisroel
  Rabbinical Seminary Adas YereimRabbinical Seminary of America
  Roberts Wesleyan CollegeRochester Business Institute
  Rockland Community CollegeRussell Sage College
  Sage College of AlbanySarah Lawrence College
  Schenectady County Community CollegeSchool of Visual Arts
  Shor Yoshuv Rabbinical CollegeSiena College
  Skidmore CollegeSt. Bonaventure University
  St. Elizabeth College of NursingSt. Francis College
  St. John Fisher CollegeSt. Joseph's College
  St. Joseph's CollegeSt. Joseph's College of Nursing
  St. Joseph's College: Suffolk CampusSt. Lawrence University
  St. Thomas Aquinas CollegeSt. Vincent Catholic Medical Centers
  State University of New York College at BrockportState University of New York College at Cortland
  State University of New York College at GeneseoState University of New York College at Old Westbury
  State University of New York College at OneontaState University of New York College of Agriculture and Technology at Cobleskill
  State University of New York College of Agriculture and Technology at Morrisville
  State University of New York College of Technology at AlfredState University of New York College of Technology at Canton
  State University of New York College of Technology at DelhiState University of New York Downstate Medical Center
  State University of New York Empire State CollegeState University of New York Health Science Center at Brooklyn
  State University of New York Health Science Center at Stony BrookState University of New York Institute of Technology at Utica/Rome
  State University of New York Maritime CollegeState University of New York Upstate Medical University
  State University of New York at Albany
  State University of New York at FarmingdaleState University of New York at Purchase
  Suffolk County Community CollegeSullivan County Community College
  Swedish Institute
  Talmudical Institute of Upstate New YorkTalmudical Seminary Oholei Torah
  Technical Career InstitutesTompkins-Cortland Community College
  Torah Teminah Talmudical SeminaryTouro College
  Trocaire CollegeU.T.A. Mesivta-Kiryas Jocl
  Ulster County Community CollegeUnion College
  United States Merchant Marine AcademyUnited States Military Academy
  United Talmudical Seminary
  Utica CollegeUtica School of Commerce
  Utica School of Commerce: CanastotaUtica School of Commerce: Oneonta
  Vassar CollegeVaughn College of Aeronautics and Technology
  Villa Maria College of BuffaloWagner College
  Webb InstituteWells College
  Westchester Community CollegeWood Tobe-Coburn School
  Yeshiva D'Monsey Rabbinical CollegeYeshiva Derech Chaim
  Yeshiva Gedolah Imrei Yosef D'SpinkaYeshiva Gedolah Zichron Moshe
  Yeshiva Karlin StolinYeshiva Mikdash Melech
  Yeshiva Shaar HatorahYeshiva Shaarei Torah of Rockland
  Yeshiva and Kolel Bais Medrash Elyon
  Yeshiva and Kollel Harbotzas TorahYeshiva of Nitra
  Yeshiva of the Telshe AlumniYeshivas Novominsk


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