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美国大学通用申请系统又改革了 - 蓝留学
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【导读】Common Application,美国大学通用申请系统,简称CA,是美国本土及国际申请者一站式完成大学申请材料的公用申请平台。申请美国本科,大部
2017-04-25 20:06:44 来源:Blue 责任编辑:蓝留学 点击:
Common Application,美国大学通用申请系统,简称CA,是美国本土及国际申请者一站式完成大学申请材料的公用申请平台。申请美国本科,大部分学校需要通过 (通用申请)系统来完成申请。4月10日,Common Application申请系统又做了一些改革,增加了一些功能,蓝留学小编带大家看看。





Google Drive Integration: Students will now be able to easily access and upload documents, resumes, and school assignments while completing the Common App and the college-specific sections of the application. We know that many school districts have adopted Google Docs and Google Drive to enable their students and teachers to create, collaborate, and access shared documents from any internet connected device. We also recognize that some students do not always have personal computers at home but use Google Drive on school or library computers to store their documents. We want to meet students where they are. By using the systems that they are already using, we are making the process more accessible for students.



这是今年CA申请系统的一个重大变化(厉害了,我的哥!)。依然是基于CAAS联盟申请系统功能模仿的。之前学生可以邀请在校升学顾问参与申请过程,而2017-2018年开始,通过CA系统递交申请的学生,还可以邀请校外资源,比如校外的申请顾问、独立咨询顾问及社区组织(community-based organizations)辅导自己的申请。


CBO, Advising, and Recommender Enhancements: Students receiving support from advising and community-based organizations will be able to work with those counselors just as they work with their school-based counselors and teachers within the application. These individuals will then be able to manage their caseloads and view student progress within the Common App system. In addition, any student who wishes to do so will be able to share a view of their in-progress application with their school counselor, CBO counselor, or other advisor.


3.Courses & Grades

一些大学要求学生在申请过程中自行填写课程和成绩分数。CA新增Courses & Grades功能,意在将成绩递交流程精简、标准化。通过Courses & Grades,申请人自己可以填写高中课程和高中成绩,而填好之后,CA会进行整合,从而方便了学生、顾问和学校这三方。这一功能目前还在测试中,将在2017年8月1日后正式启用。


Courses & Grades: Many students are required to submit self-reported high school academic records when applying to some colleges and universities. With Courses & Grades, students will be able to fill out their self-reported transcript information as part of their Common Application. By integrating the Courses & Grades section into the Common App, those students who are already sending this information will be able to complete and submit it with their Common App, making the process of self-reporting transcripts more standardized and streamlined for students, counselors, and colleges.


Courses & Grades was developed from the feedback of member institutions, high school students, and counselors. The Common Application hosted a series of student and counselor focus groups with beta testing to determine how to make the self-reported transcript process accessible and efficient. Courses & Grades will launch in limited release on August 1, 2017.





Spanish Language Resources: Key information for using the Common App will be translated so that students, parents, and other family members who speak Spanish as their first language can better understand the college admission process, including applying for financial aid and receiving virtual mentoring. This new tool will also benefit counselors who will be working with these families and will need Common App materials in Spanish.





Hellenic College (MA)

Vermont Technical College (VT)

Dominican College (NY)

Fairleigh Dickinson University (NJ)

York College of Pennsylvania (PA)

Appalachian State University (NC)

Barton College (NC)

Catawba College (NC)

East Carolina University (NC)

Eastern Mennonite University (VA)

Lincoln Memorial University (TN)

Marshall University (WV)

University of Houston (TX)

Southern California Institute ofArchitecture (CA)

University of Nevada, Las Vegas -UNLV (NV)

University of Northern Colorado (CO)

University of Oregon (OR)

University of the West (CA)

University of Wyoming (WY)

Anderson University (IN)

Art Academy of Cincinnati (OH)

Cleveland State University (OH)

Defiance College (OH)

Kent State University (OH)

Missouri University of Science andTechnology (MO)

Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology (IN)

Trine University (IN)

University of Minnesota, Morris (MN)

University of Missouri (MO)

University of Missouri - Kansas City (MO)

University of Missouri - St Louis (MO)

Western Michigan University (MI)

Wheaton College (IL)



Carnegie Mellon University in Qatar

Duke Kunshan University (China)

Monash University (Australia)

Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (Spain)

University College Dublin (Ireland)


蓝留学Bridge Blue 总部位于澳大利亚,致力于澳大利亚、新西兰、英国、美国和加拿大的出国留学。自2004年成立以来,一直秉承为学生量身定制专属的留学方案,提供最新的留学资讯,留学指导,签证办理,全程为学生安排一位专属顾问和一个申请团队,助学生成功实现留学的梦想。

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前期留学咨询 → 制定专属留学方案 → 申请文书的指导 → 学校申请递交 → 签证申请递交 → 行前指导




BBG 蓝留学秉承以创新的互联网为服务平台,学生们不受地域和时间的限制,通过BBG蓝留学的网站可以进行免费自我评估、在线咨询、申请进程跟踪、会员专属等系列服务。除此之外,学生还可以通过Email、QQ、MSN、Skype、新浪微博和微信与我们的专业顾问进行实时互动,足不出户即可享受到从留学申请到签证申请的一站式免费高品质服务。
BBG蓝留学总部 设在澳大利亚第一城市,悉尼。
